Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My quotes in an article this week in the Silicon Valley Business Journal

My quotes in an article this week in the Silicon Valley Business Journal

I was quoted in the Silicon Valley Business Journal this week. The SVBJ won't let me post the entire article, but here are the paragraphs in which I am quoted. The article is about YCombinator giving $150K to each of the companies that participate in its incubator program.

Startups get $150K each to help bring products to market

Date: Friday, February 4, 2011, 3:00am PST

Even with the incubator’s strong reputation and heavy hitters, it remains to be seen whether other incubators will try to court similar investments. That will depend on how successful the current crop of Y Combinator startups in the next few years. Regardless of the outcome, Y Combinator continues to be ahead of the curve, said J. Roy Martinez, chair of the angel investment group North Bay Angels.

“Y Combinator really has reset the bar, raised the expectations for what an incubator should offer,” Martinez said. “I mean, I’ve heard at least one incubator being told, ‘Why can’t you be more like Y Combinator?’ So they continue to raise the bar, they continue to innovate, and more power to them, I say.”

Twitter: @jroym

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