Thursday, December 27, 2018

There's Rice in My Mouse...

In Toy Story (Disney/Pixar), when you pull Woody's (Tom Hanks) string, the most memorable response is, "There's a snake in my boot..." In this statement, Woody is saying:

  1. Yikes!
  2. This is an emergency! And...
  3. As a sheriff, I cannot do my job.

Recently, I spilled water on my desk. I responded immediately. I saved my laptop. WHEW! But, my mouse got a little wet. Oh no! What to do? 

Everyone has heard a story of someone dropping their cell phone in the toilet. You are supposed to put it in rice, right? So, that is exactly what I did. I rushed to the kitchen, put the damp mouse in a baggie, and covered it with rice. 

The good news: I put the battery back in. The light turned on. I took it to the computer, it moved the cursor. Crisis averted. YAY!

Then, casually, without thinking, I shook the mouse. It sounded like a maraca. 

Rhetorical question: have you ever tried to get rice out of a mouse?

I shook the mouse. Rice came out. I shook some more. Rice continued to fall. Eventually the rice flow slowed, then stopped. I tapped the mouse on the desk. DAMN!. Some rice must have been wedged inside; some broke free! ARGGH!

Shake, shake, shake... Rattle, rattle, rattle... I shook that thing, off and on, for hours. Literally hours. I took a walk, shaking my mouse. Still rattling. I drove to work. I shook my mouse. Bit by bit the rice fell out. Eventually...the sound stopped completely. I tapped the mouse. I banged the mouse. No matter what I did, no more rattling, no more rice. I guess I got all the grains out. FINALLY!

Success! Right?


The mouse works; but the right mouse button is sluggish. The mouse functions, but not well enough to work effectively. I guess rice flour or something is gumming up the works. SIGH! One just cannot win when 21st century electronics fail.

Luckily, I had a spare mouse sitting around.

So...I am back to work. 

DAMN! I bet Woody did not have to replace his boot.

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